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我們在一起,就會了不起?—— 三帝科技2024北京秋季團建圓滿舉辦

Release time:October 9, 2024

On September 27th, the autumn was brought by the refreshing, Beijing SANDY Technology Co., Ltd. Beijing employees gathered in the theme park of the Flower Expo, held an autumn group building activity with the theme of "We are together, it will be great". The activity responded positively to the company's initiative of "full fitness, happy work, enjoy life", and took the colorful sports projects as the carrier to encourage everyone to enjoy sports and embrace health after work, to meet the challenges with a more energetic attitude, and to join hands to build the future of SANDI Technology.

At the scene of the event, four groups of teams are like four bright stars, glittering on the field: "The best C position team" - a drum, create a good battle; "King team" -- the king goes out, not an inch of grass; "our team" -- the hearts of the people are united, Taishan move, our team, no one can be defeated; "Glory Three Emperors team " - Glory out, sweeping the autumn wind ...... This is not only the code name of the team, but also the embodiment of wisdom and strength, every bit of effort shines with the light of unity and collaboration.

"Teamwork Competition" project, members of each team are connected, through teamwork in order to complete the "Rope Dance", "Side by Side", "Tower Building Future" three major projects. Tower building the future" three major projects, "Glory Three Emperor" team won the project champion with the shortest time of 7 minutes and 03 seconds by virtue of steady and tacit cooperation.

The subsequent tug-of-war was a fierce collision of strength and will. Four teams, pulling mountains and rivers, with the momentum of a rainbow, with the referee's whistle, the field immediately rang deafening cheering and shouting, the atmosphere of the scene to a climax. After several fierce battles, the "Best C" team stood out and won the laurels by virtue of their tenacious fighting spirit and team power.

The 50-meter relay race is the blooming of speed and passion. On the track, the runners were like arrows leaving the strings, speeding; beside the track, the cheering and cheering of the team members intertwined into a piece. Every handover of the baton was full of tension and expectation, and every sprint to the finish line recorded the joy and splendor of victory. Finally, the "King" team won the championship with the absolute speed of 1 minute 52 seconds.

With the successful conclusion of the activity, the spirit of unity, cooperation and hard work has been accompanied by sweat deep into the heart of every member. On the field, we fight side by side and face challenges together; under the field, we walk hand in hand to create a better future. This power and cohesion will be the source of power for SANDI to keep moving forward. Let's add bricks and mortar to the grand blueprint of SANDI with more enthusiasm, more firm belief, closer cooperation and more efficient work! Together, we will be marvelous!

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