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Focusing on Industrial Application and Innovative Talent Cultivation-Sandi 3D Printing Industry College Development Forum was Successfully Held

Release time:July 4, 2022

On June 28, the online 3D printing industry college development forum and the depth of mechanical industry vocational education school-enterprise cooperation project promotion meeting was successfully held under the guidance of the Mechanical Industry Education Development Center, hosted by the Mechanical Industry Digital Design and Additive Manufacturing Vocational Education Group, and organized by the 3D Printing Specialized Committee of Powder Metallurgy Industry Technology Innovation Strategy Alliance, Anhui Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Vocational Technology, Chongqing Institute of Industrial Vocational and Technology, and Beijing Sundee Science and Technology Co. The promotion of cooperation projects was successfully held, attracting more than a thousand people to participate and discuss online.

The topic of "Cultivation of Mechanical Industry Education and Development Center" invited Chen Xiaoming, Director of Mechanical Industry Education and Development Center and Director of Education and Training Department of China Machinery Industry Federation, Prof. Xu Chunlin, Vice President of Anhui Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Vocational Technology and Member of Teaching Steering Committee of Mechanical Vocational Education, Pei Jianghong, President of Mechanical Engineering and Automation College of Chongqing Institute of Technology, and Dr. Zhao Hao, Expert Member of 3D Printing Expert Committee of Powder Metallurgy Industry Technology Innovation Strategy Alliance and Deputy General Manager of Research and Development of Beijing SANDY Science and Technology Co.

Director Chen Xiaoming made a report titled "Thinking about building a collaborative development ecology for additive manufacturing industry-university-research-creation", from the strategic height of high-quality development of industry-education synergy, he made an in-depth analysis and elaboration on the development of additive manufacturing technology and optimization of talent cultivation, and the construction of additive manufacturing industry-university-research-creation ecosystem. He puts forward that talent cultivation innovation for the development of additive manufacturing should clarify the main attack direction, focus on solving the outstanding problems of mismatch between talent supply and enterprise demand, low quality of talent cultivation, insufficient talent cultivation capacity and talent loss, optimize the relationship between industry-teaching synergy in the areas of urgency and shortage in the additive manufacturing, and establish a linkage mechanism between talent cultivation and job demand; do a good job of the top-level design, build the synergistic development of industry-academia-run-creation in additive manufacturing Do a good job of top-level design, build a new ecology of additive manufacturing industry-university-research and creation synergistic development, accelerate the improvement of vocational education additive manufacturing professional standard system, and effectively guide the training of talents.

Xu Chunlin made a theme report titled "additive manufacturing technology and skills personnel training system construction", on the industrial development of additive manufacturing, the current situation of the talent team and talent demand for research and analysis, on the current situation in China's colleges and universities, vocational schools within the set of additive manufacturing-related professions, the curriculum system, practical training conditions, school-enterprise cooperation and other situations are introduced in detail, and on the construction of additive manufacturing personnel training system puts forward the He also put forward suggestions and thoughts on the construction of talent training system for additive manufacturing. He pointed out that we should accelerate the vocational education undergraduate specialty setting in view of the characteristics of the additive manufacturing industry's demand for medium- and high-end talents, and build a chain of technical and skilled talents to comprehensively support the development of the industrial chain. Since its establishment, the Vocational Education Group of Digital Design and Additive Manufacturing in Machinery Industry has been actively promoting the deep integration of China's digital design and additive manufacturing industry and vocational education by organizing and carrying out industrial forums, hosting and participating in the development of technical applications and vocational skill level standards.

President Pei Jianghong made a keynote report on "Construction of Green Rapid Manufacturing Center", focusing on the development of "Chongqing 3D Printing Smart Manufacturing Center", an industry-education fusion project jointly carried out with SANDI Technology. According to reports, the center, through the introduction of SLS laser sintering equipment independently developed by SANDI Technology, provides full-process technology and product services in the field of investment casting of large and complex curved parts for the local aerospace, military equipment, automotive and other high-end equipment manufacturing industries, and obtains rich results in teaching, training and scientific research, realizing the construction of the college's professional level and the enhancement of the quality of talent cultivation, becoming A typical case of integrating scientific research, teaching and production in the industry-education integration program. Finally, President Pei put forward his vision on the future development direction of the center, he said that he hoped to create Chongqing Green Rapid Manufacturing Alliance by combining the development of local pillar industries in Chongqing, and to clarify the development idea of great integration of industry and education through the attempt of the integrated development and construction of middle and high school, and to create a characteristic mode of integration of industry and education.

Dr. Zhao Hao shared a report titled "Industrialized Metal Additive Manufacturing Technology and Application", respectively, gave a detailed and in-depth explanation on the progress and application of several mainline technologies of metal additive manufacturing, shared the mature industrialized application of 3DP/SLS metal parts rapid casting process independently developed by SANDY Technology in aerospace, automotive, industrial machinery and other fields, and analyzed and looked forward to the R&D progress and future development trend of BJ Binder Jet Metal He also analyzed and looked forward to the R&D progress and future development trend of BJ binder jet metal printing technology. He believes that the current metal additive manufacturing is gradually moving towards maturity, with the emergence of high-efficiency, low-cost, mass-production-type technology, the industrialization of the application space continues to broaden, the growth of the demand for talent training will create a broad opportunity for the integration of industry and education, SANDI looks forward to in-depth cooperation with more colleges and universities and scientific research institutes, and work together to promote the innovative development of new technologies and new applications.

At the meeting, Wang Lei, on behalf of the company, released the "trinity" innovation action plan of SANDI Technology, which is based on the three dimensions of industry, academia and research, respectively, from the integration of industry and education and collaborative manufacturing, teacher qualification level enhancement, internship training, teaching resources development, transformation of scientific research results, and technological application of scientific research alliance and other aspects of how to better support the development of vocational education, elaborated and discussed. SANDI Technology has elaborated and discussed how to better support the development of vocational education in the three dimensions of industry-teaching integration and collaborative manufacturing, teacher level enhancement, internship training, teaching resources development, transformation of scientific research results, and technology application research alliance. He also said that SANDI hopes that under the guidance of the Mechanical Industry Education Development Center and the Mechanical Industry Digital Design and Additive Manufacturing Vocational Education Group, SANDI 3D Printing Industry College will be an opportunity to promote the real implementation of the industry-teaching integration project.

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