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Specialized Training on Industrial Intelligent Manufacturing and Innovation Drive Held in Nanning

Release time:July 4, 2022

On the morning of June 28, the special training on industrial intelligent manufacturing and innovation drive was held in Nanning, where experts from relevant industry societies and organizations in Guangxi spoke on the development trend of industrial intelligent manufacturing, the methods and pitfalls of intelligent upgrading of enterprises as well as the latest intelligent technologies. This special training was organized by Nanning Bureau of Industry and Information Technology and Nanning Federation of Trade Unions, and hosted by Nanning 3D Printing Public Service Platform and Nanning SanDi Technology Co. Dozens of enterprise representatives from machinery industry, automobile, processing manufacturing, equipment manufacturing and other industries attended the training.

Dozens of enterprise representatives attended the meeting to participate in the special training.??

"When it comes to industrial upgrading and transformation, not mentioning intelligent manufacturing seems to be failing to catch up with the trend." Liu Zhufeng, director of Guangxi Intelligent Manufacturing Promotion Center, mentioned that some enterprises hurriedly embarked on intelligent transformation without considering their actual needs, but ended up with poor results. A domestic listed company because of the detachment of the actual intelligent transformation, resulting in billions of dollars of losses in a year, and had to stop the relevant business. The intelligent factory of a foreign automobile manufacturer was a typical representative of Industry 4.0, which welcomed countless Chinese guests to visit, but it was eventually closed because the loss did not pay off, and the relevant models have been discontinued.

In the training, Mr. Liu Zhufeng shared the opportunities and challenges of the new era with the theme of "Enterprise Digital Construction in the Context of the New Era", and at the same time, combined with the relevant successful cases implemented in recent years, he elaborated on the key capabilities and paths for the transformation and upgrading of the enterprise's intelligent manufacturing. He reminded that the transformation and upgrading of small and medium-sized enterprises in Guangxi must be conducive to strengthening their core competitiveness, and that intelligent upgrading is not something that can be accomplished by buying a set of intelligent equipment and a set of automation software.

Similar to Liu Zhufeng's point of view, Zhu Jie, Honorary President of Guangxi Society of Industrial Engineers, also proposed that enterprises should not be superstitious about the so-called successful experience of large foreign enterprises. For example, the Toyota Production System, which is regarded as the standard by some industrial enterprises, is not as godly as described in some domestic books and articles, and the system is just the application of industrial engineering in Japanese enterprises.

By comparing the selling price and sales range of the two dairy companies, Zhu Jie explained the knowledge of delivery management, cost control and quality assurance of industrial engineering in the training. In his opinion, enterprises in Guangxi can take into account their own reality and utilize relevant management knowledge to rationalize the production management process of their factories. With as little investment as possible, they can improve their productivity and efficiency, reduce costs and enhance their competitiveness by improving workflow and operation methods and implementing advanced and reasonable work quotas.

Experts from various industry associations and organizations share the intelligent upgrading path and the latest technology.

For the current high-tech that has been put into commercial use, Gao Yan, general manager of Nanning SANDI Technology Co., Ltd. explained the development and application of 3D printing technology in China during the training. This additive manufacturing technology emerged in China from the 1990s and has been in commercial use for more than 30 years. From people's mouth, "what you think is what you get" magical future technology, has now been applied to industrial production and civil and other fields, from aerospace engines to automotive parts, from art sculpture to home creations ......3D printing is affecting the manufacturing industry's production methods and people's daily life. The future of 3D printing is affecting the way of manufacturing and people's daily life.

According to Gao Yan introduction, 3D printing sand casting process, for example, compared with the traditional casting process has many advantages, not only can save the cost of mold opening and time, but also significantly improve production efficiency, especially for complex structure, short cycle, high precision, small batch of high value-added products trial production. Automotive engine block, for example, using traditional methods of production takes more than 1 month, and through the 3DP sand printing fast casting process is only 10 days to deliver the finished product, the production cycle shortened by 2/3, the cost of reducing 30%. Currently in Guangxi, a number of automotive and parts enterprises to obtain a wide range of applications.

Representatives of enterprises participating in the training visit the 3D printing workshop.?

Mastering the latest technology may not necessarily lead to market gains. Guangxi Rock Technology Co., Ltd. deputy general manager Yang Sunpeng with his own experience, about the importance of industrial value economy. He once served a paper packaging enterprise in Liuzhou, obviously technically more advanced than the international first-class packaging equipment, selling price only half of the other side, but it is difficult to get orders.
At the same time in the narrative, Yang Sunpeng posted the packaging equipment enterprises and competitors of the product pictures, Liuzhou manufacturers of equipment parts bare, and competitors not only add the shell, but also designed a modern pattern, giving people a completely different feeling. After the appearance of the redesign, Liuzhou manufacturers of new products not only add the shell, but also set up the LED data screen and other easy to operate the transformation, the equipment immediately appeared to be high, the sales gradually open, the price of the product is also comparable to competitors, and even received a competitor's OEM order.

After the meeting, the training organizer also invited everyone to visit the production workshop of Nanning SANDI Technology Co., Ltd, so that everyone can witness a piece of product, printed out in the unmanned workshop, so that visitors called out the novelty.

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