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3D Printing and China Smart Manufacturing Forum Successfully Held in Shenzhen

Release time:August 14, 2015

  On August 13, 2015, "3D Printing and China's Smart Manufacturing" Summit Forum was held in Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center. Experts, scholars and entrepreneurs from home and abroad conducted in-depth analysis and discussion on the development of 3D printing industry, materials, market applications and so on. This forum was organized by Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Think Tank Research Institute, China Powder Metallurgy Industry Technology Innovation Strategic Alliance, Shenzhen Seven Technology Co., Ltd. and received extensive attention from people from all walks of life and the media.

Dr. Zong Guisheng, Director of 3D Printing Professional Committee of China Powder Metallurgy Industry Technology Innovation Strategy Alliance, Chairman of SANTI Printing Technology Co.

  Dr. Zong Guisheng, Director of 3D Printing Professional Committee of China Powder Metallurgy Industry Technology Innovation Strategy Alliance, Chairman of SANDI Printing Technology Co., Ltd. and Chairman of Shenzhen Seven Technology Co., Ltd. hosted the forum and delivered a keynote speech. Dr. Zong Guisheng said that at present, the global manufacturing challenges are escalating and the manufacturing industry is changing faster than ever. In order to stay in the competition, we need to improve efficiency (especially energy and resource efficiency), shorten time-to-market (shorter development time, ability to manufacture complex products, ability to quickly access and analyze big data), and increase flexibility (large number of personalized products, rapidly changing markets, high productivity requirements), which drives the development of smart manufacturing.

  The combination of ICT technology and manufacturing gives rise to smart manufacturing. Walking into a future smart manufacturing factory, you can see a variety of independent devices (e.g., 3D printing) that are connected, constantly open, intelligent, software- and data-controlled; machine-to-machine and machine-to-product communication is all about human interaction; the Internet of Things (IoT) triggers and provides information and data for decision-making; information is processed and transmitted in real time; and staff members can make decisions on their own or as a group (societal group decision-making), and the entire industrial ecosystem is going to The entire industrial ecosystem will change profoundly.

  3D printing, one of the core technologies of smart manufacturing, has a huge potential to transform the entire production industry. It creates a whole new ability to produce items of various shapes and sizes, enabling engineers to design more complex products that could not be realized before.3D printing is widely used in rapid prototyping in aerospace, automotive manufacturing, foundry, medical, civil and other fields due to its advantages of manufacturing complex parts, product diversification without increasing costs, assembly-free, cloud manufacturing, zero-skill manufacturing, portable manufacturing, net molding, etc. , rapid manufacturing. Looking to the future, we apply 3D printing thinking to design and manufacture products, and embrace intelligent manufacturing.

  The combination of 3D printing devices and the Internet has led to innovations in business models. For example, online platforms that provide 3D printing services and transactions - Shapeways, Ponoko, i.materialise, Everything Print (www.wanwudayin.com), etc. Through these sites, users can purchase design models, order 3D printed products, or open their own stores to sell 3D printed products, designs or materials. This new business model is called D2C - Designer to Customer, and it not only fulfills an individual's desire to create, but also translates into commercial profitability, which in turn will surely further drive the growth of personal 3D printing demand. What Chris Anderson calls "creativity" is the key to the success of 3D printing. Anderson said the "creators" era is step by step into reality.

Ms. Lu Shengping, Chairwoman of Liaoning Juzi Industry Co., Ltd. and Founder of Shenyang Gain Technology Co.

  Ms. Lu Shengping, Chairwoman of Liaoning Juzi Industrial Co., Ltd. and Founder of Shenyang Gain Technology Co., Ltd. made an in-depth elaboration and analysis on the application and development of 3D printing technology in modern education and innovation and entrepreneurship. She pointed out that the application of 3D printing in the field of modern education helps to improve the level of innovation and creativity and hands-on ability of students. For example, through the 3D printing creative teaching tools to improve student participation in the curriculum, so that the teaching knowledge materialization; through the school-based, experiential, innovative, special and other forms of curriculum, the establishment of school characteristics of education, to promote the popularization of 3D printing technology to enhance the problem-solving ability of students. In addition, 3D printing in the field of innovation and entrepreneurship in the application of great advantages: can improve the efficiency of customization, reduce the design, research and development, trial production, customization and other aspects of the cost of design, R & D, research and development, production of the trinity, and at the same time to avoid the leakage of the design of the sketches, to achieve the effective protection of intellectual property rights. In the future, 3D printing will be fully popularized in domestic primary and secondary schools, and gradually from the school into the family.

Ms. Li Lei, Senior Engineer, Project Manager, Resin Application Research Institute, Beijing Yanshan Petrochemical High-Tech Technology Co.
  Ms. Li Lei, Senior Engineer, Project Manager of Resin Application Research Institute of Beijing Yanshan Petrochemical High-Tech Technology Co., Ltd. and Sinopec Beijing Yanshan Branch, introduced the application and development status of resin materials in 3D printing. polymer materials used in 3D printing mainly include thermoplastic plastics, photosensitive resins, rubber materials, composites and so on, while materials with great future prospects such as biomaterials, cellular materials, DNA framework materials and stem cell materials are also in the research and development stage. Biomaterials, cellular materials, DNA framework materials, stem cell materials and other materials with great future prospects are also in the research and development stage, and there is a huge space for imagination. From the current application of China's 3D printing market, ordinary materials occupy half of the market, domestic self-developed mid-range material products accounted for about 40%, foreign high-quality imported consumables accounted for 10%. For the future application of 3D printing materials, such as Yanshan Petrochemical Resin Application Research Institute, such as the authoritative scientific research institutions will be committed to the development of more special-purpose consumable products for specific requirements to develop more functional products. In view of the future application prospect of 3D printing materials, authoritative research institutes such as Yanshan Petrochemical Resin Application Research Institute will be committed to developing more special-purpose consumable products, developing more functional products for specific requirements, and improving the applicability of materials and 3D printing equipment.

Dr. Zifu Li, member of 3D Printing Professional Technical Committee of China Powder Metallurgy Technology Innovation Strategy Alliance, Deputy General Manager of Shenzhen Seven Technology Co.

  Dr. Zifu Li, member of 3D Printing Professional Technical Committee of China Powder Metallurgy Technology Innovation Strategy Alliance, deputy general manager of Shenzhen Seven Technology Co. Ltd, and technical director of Beijing Longyuan Automatic Forming System Co. Ltd, analyzed the application key technology and development trend of metal 3D printing. Data show that in 2014, the global additive manufacturing market scale is about 4.1 billion U.S. dollars, metal 3D printing equipment amounted to 546 units, showing a high-speed growth trend; the direct printing of functional parts will become the main application direction in the future. Metal 3D printing, as a high-end additive manufacturing technology capable of directly manufacturing high-performance metal functional parts in three dimensions, has been planned and laid out from the national science and technology development strategy level. At present, it has been widely used in aerospace, automotive, medical and other fields. For example, Beijing Longyuan molding in June 2015 successfully passed the "Zhongguancun Industrial Technology Alliance major application demonstration project" expert group acceptance, with direct metal 3D printing equipment development and production capacity.

  High-quality metal powder material is the realization of high-performance products printed on the premise of the foundation, and the current metal additive manufacturing equipment monopolized by foreign high-end products, due to the existence of equipment and materials adaptability, which in turn formed a monopoly on the supply of foreign metal powder material. Foreign brands of metal powder is expensive, long supply cycle, if it involves sensitive materials, but also by foreign export restrictions. Therefore, the realization of additive manufacturing metal powder localization is imperative.

  Looking forward to the future development of metal additive manufacturing, Dr. Li said that in terms of materials and processes, it is necessary to improve the diversity of materials, develop domestically produced metal powder materials with cost advantages, strengthen the in-depth fusion of additive manufacturing technology and traditional material molding technology, and set up a large database integrating the design and preparation of powder materials, optimization of the additive manufacturing process, and optimization of the subsequent processing process, etc.; in terms of equipment systems, it will be Tend to molding space is bigger, additive manufacturing process monitoring system is more intelligent, equipment specialization, "metal additive manufacturing +" intelligent manufacturing mode, etc.; application, will tend to the direct manufacturing of functional parts, medical and health fields, automotive and aerospace fields.

Dr. Xie Yanjun, Director of Academic Department, China Steel Research Technology Group Corporation, China Powder Metallurgy Industry Technology Innovation Strategic Alliance

  Dr. Xie Yanjun, Director of Academic Department of China Steel Research Technology Group Corporation and China Powder Metallurgy Industry Technology Innovation Strategic Alliance, analyzed and introduced the development status of metal additive manufacturing (3D printing). He said that metal additive manufacturing is an important part of additive manufacturing technology (3D printing), which has great advantages in solving the problems of difficult-to-machine materials, complex structures and rapid manufacturing in industrial production. As the most technically difficult and fastest-growing market potential and growth area in the additive manufacturing industry, laser additive manufacturing of metal parts has high strength, dimensional accuracy, watertightness and lightweight characteristics, and has been applied in aerospace, defense, medical, automotive, electronics and other fields.

  For the current development mode of "heavy equipment, light materials, light process" in the field of additive manufacturing in China, Dr. Xie Yanjun believes that the development of additive manufacturing technology is a whole industry chain work combining equipment, materials, process and application, and in addition to increasing the investment in research and development and overcoming technical barriers at the national level, it is also necessary to organize the industry alliance to give full play to the advantages of each unit and integrate resources to form a platform development mode, which is of great significance to the rapid development of China's additive manufacturing industry. In addition to increasing R&D investment and attacking technical barriers at the national level, it also needs to be organized by the industry alliance, which will give full play to the advantages of each unit, integrate resources, and form a platform development mode, which is of great significance to the rapid development of China's additive manufacturing industry. (Text/Jiayu)

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