

Automotive (fuel/new energy)

New energy motor shell and lightweight frame, shell, cylinder block/head, exhaust pipe, etc.
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Automotive (fuel/new energy)

Through the "3D casting" technology, we provide new energy vehicle motor shells, lightweight frames, shells, cylinder blocks/cylinder heads, exhaust pipes and other products for domestic and foreign famous automobile brands. We can flexibly meet the customer's demand for structural and dimensional changes during the R&D stage, improve R&D efficiency, and help the customer to improve efficiency, reduce costs and accelerate the product launch during the new product R&D stage.

Subframe for new energy heavy trucks and commercial trucksSubframe for new energy heavy trucks and commercial trucks

Subframe for new energy heavy trucks and commercial trucks (cast aluminum)


Large, thin-walled, complex structures requiring one-piece molding and rapid delivery;

Traditional casting process, high cost and long cycle time.



3DP sand casting process / CNC engraving. 3DP sand casting optimized the process design scheme, broke through the large size, thin-walled complex structure of the molding problems, through the splicing, molding way to achieve the rapid delivery of this product, improve the product qualification rate.

Oil filter holder (cast aluminum)


Complex piping structures, molded in one piece for fast delivery;

Traditional casting process, product qualification rate is low, high cost, long cycle.



3DP sand casting process splicing, molding way to achieve the rapid delivery of this product, improve the product qualification rate.

Oil Filter BaseOil filter base casting


Sales Hotline: 13811566237
After-sales: 010-84638842-1011/15810501182
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